2. List of Events
  3. A talk event for everyone to discover new music!Inviting people to take part in the Seta-on Music Record Meeting

Events Details

<small>A talk event for everyone to discover new music!</small><br />Inviting people to take part in the Seta-on Music Record Meeting

A talk event for everyone to discover new music!
Inviting people to take part in the Seta-on Music Record Meeting
The performance has finished

Sunday, December 8, 2024Around 2:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. 
Venue: Setagaya Public Theater Acoustic Studio (Sangenjaya Carrot Tower )

An event for talking and listening with everyone’s participation.
This is an event in which participants will bring one favorite record each, and talk about their memories of that music, and their own experiences with music. The catchphrase is “discovering new music.” There are no restrictions on the genre of music, of course. Come and share your stories of the kinds of music you liked, when and where you bought the record, and so on. The events of the day will be featured in a free paper at a later date.

Participation Fee


Number of Participants

Around 15

How to Apply

Apply online from the link below.
A lottery will be held in the case of too many applications.

Online Application
*Connects to form mail on external site.
*An “Application received” mail will be sent to the registered address after applying.

Application Period

Due to popular demand, the period is being extended.


Applicants must live in, or commute to work or school in Setagaya City, and own a record packed with memories.
Participants must agree to allow some of the stories shared during the event to be featured in the upcoming free paper, Playlist Note (anonymity will be allowed).


Setagaya Arts Foundation Music Project Department


City of Setagaya
Setagaya City Board of Education


Matsumoto Memorial Music Guest House
Taishidou Musical Instrument Store
Setagaya General Service Co., Ltd., Community Radio Station FM Setagaya